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does not sponsor people.
Remember now, being sponsored is a tough thing to achieve but here
you'll find great stuff about sponsoring.
[True way...] [How
to make people think you're sponsored]

On how to get sponsored
Make sure that you are good before attempting to get sponsored, because it is just a waste of your time, and the
companies time if you suck.
Place good in a competition
I think the best way to get sponsored is to enter a competition. If it is a big competition, and you place in the top 3 then there is a good chance someone from a company will come up to you and ask if you are
interested to skate for them.
Send in a "sponsor me video"
Send in a video to a skate company, or local skate shop. The video should only be about 2-5
minutes long or else it will be taking up to much of their time. Make sure you include your name, age, address, and phone number in the video or on a
separate sheet of paper.
Ask them personally
Go to the company that you are interested in being sponsored by, and ask them if they are sponsoring skaters.
Then if they says yes, then he will want to know what your best tricks are, and will ask to see you skate.
E-mail them
E-mail them asking if they are looking to sponsor skaters. Tell them your name, age, location, and some of the tricks you can do (don't write a huge list, cause they probably don't
want to look at it all) Then wait for them to reply, if they reply then they will probably want you to send in a video, and if they don't reply then they are not

- Have your friend put on a 411 shirt, and pretend he's your personal
- Always try the hardest tricks possible. When you can't land that kickflip
crooks to nollie flip out, start screaming and throw your board. This will
make people think you have landed it before.
- If you land a trick, no matter how smooth it was, do not get stoked. Say
something like, "it's about time" or claim it was sketchy and
insist on filming it again.
- Answer your cell phone every five minutes and say, "What up,
Atiba?" really loud.
- Remember you're on the flow team -- it's nearly impossible to prove that
someone isn't on flow.
- Paint your shoes crazy colors and claim they're samples that only team riders
can get.
- Don't go to any skate spots for a week. When you show up and everyone asks
where you were, tell them you went on tour.
- Mail order all your skate gear so nobody will see you buying stuff at the
local shop.
- When you can't land something, it's never your fault! It's got to be the
board's concave, your shitty shoes, or all the kooks getting in the way.
- Get two VCRs and copy your sponsor-me video over someone's part in the new
TransWorld video.
*If all else fails, learn how to skateboard.
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